Bring confidence to your records management decisions

Most organisations have well defined records management processes, but changing legislative requirements, lack of staffing and the age of some records, it can be difficult to know if those processes have been followed for every record you hold. We help provide clarity to your records so you can confidently make digitalisation, disposal and retention decisions for your holdings.
records manager

Keep compliant with all applicable legislation

Take the difficulty out of retention, disposal and digitisation decisions

Gain clarity so that faster decisions can be made that save money.

Take the complexity out of your records management whether
you have 100 boxes or 100,000

Public Sector Listing Services

  • All your records compliant to the Public Records Act 2005
  • Get advice on the right retention & disposal schedule by our qualified records manager
  • Assure all records are listed to Archives NZ standard
  • Gain control over your information assets

Commercial Cataloguing Services

  • Apply the correct retention & disposal schedule
  • Ensure your compliance with legislation, including the Privacy Act
  • Get advice on whether to retain hard copies, digitise your documents, or destroy them

How it works


Get in touch

Our qualified team will review your retention policy to make sure it is compliant


We'll review and update your records

Any records without correct metadata and retention schedule will be updated


You decide what's next

Now you will have full visibility to decide what files need to be retained, disposed of, or digitised

retention disposal

Apply the right retention & disposal schedule

List your records with accurate metadata attached to all files and boxes . This will allow you to make informed decisions on whether you want to digitise, destroy, or retain your documents.

We have experienced listing teams across New Zealand that will help you list your files to Archives New Zealand standards.

Take control of your records today

When you’re unclear on the contents of your record boxes, it is impossible to make decisions on what to do.

Without effective records management, your documents could sit idle, deteriorate, and potentially breach regulations. We help you ensure that they’re properly catalogued, stored, and handled.

Digitised documents can be uploaded into SAFE as a PDF, searched and integrated into your document management system. You’ll not only be compliant with regulations but also have peace of mind knowing your records are in expert hands.

organized files

Enquire now with the TIMG Records team

Contact us today to get started. We’re here to simplify your records management, help you cut storage costs, and comply with legislation.