On-demand file & data management services for archiving and retrieval
FileSaver is a specialised pre-paid file archiving service that enables firms to significantly improve the quality and efficiency of file archiving, storage and retrieval activities. The FileSaver solution charges are based on a one-off charge that includes the cost of transporting the file to our premises, cataloguing its contents, lodging it into store, storing it for its lifetime, and destroying it when it reaches the end of its retention period. This makes it simple for you to on-charge document storage costs to your clients.

Is this solution right for you?
- Do you have closed files for clients that you are legislatively required to store for a period of time?
- Are you spending valuable administration time filing and locating files?
- Do you need an effective and simple solution for charging clients document storage costs?
Features of TIMG's FileSaver solution

Our solution: FileSaver
FileSaver encompasses a simple pre-paid pricing structure allowing you to easily charge disbursement costs to clients. Files are scanned and uploaded to our secure web portal to allow fast access with all files undergoing a rigorous quality assurance process after scanning to ensure all extracted metadata is 100% accurate. Files are then securely destroyed at the end of the retention period (upon your approval) or alternatively we offer an efficient retrieval system if you need to have the physical file returned to you. You can also opt to view the scanned image on our secure portal.

FileSaver features
Included in our FileSaver solution is free scheduled collection, barcoding and indexing of each file, secure storage for the agreed retention period, scanning of files and secure online image hosting. There is also online access for complete visibility and control with on-demand retrieval of files – either same day/next day or for urgent documents or by image-on-demand in as little as 15 minutes. Documents can be inserted into stored files and files securely destroyed once they have passed their required retention period. There is no need for your staff to know in which box a particular file is located – you just ask for what you want by your client name or matter number.

A proven system
Our legal file archiving service is a proven system to ensure closed legal files are securely stored and available on demand, immediately eliminating space problems and operational problems with files. Free up hours of staff time per week and enable recovery of the lifetime cost of archiving upon the closing of each matter as well as ensuring compliance with long-term file retention and privacy law obligations.

Client plan
A comprehensive client plan will be developed according to your specific needs:
- A thorough analysis of your situation will be undertaken by our experienced team to determine your specific requirements
- A full business proposal will be provided, overviewing our recommended solution and relevant features. FileSaver can be tailored to your needs – we can undertake as much or as little of your information management processes as you require and our flexible pricing structure will reflect this
- Case studies or customer references can be provided as necessary
- A client orientation tour of our secure facilities can be arranged if required
- Upon approval, a customer agreement is provided to overview relevant terms of service and key responsibilities. This document also overviews our business hours, location(s), contact information, typical response times and FAQs
- Client contact, location and billing information is input to our systems
- Client users are loaded to our SAFE FileSaver platform. User details and passwords are provided to the client and training on the platform is undertaken
- Invoicing requirements are implemented
- Key TIMG support personnel are assigned to the client and a contact schedule is determined
- Regular contact by the TIMG team will be undertaken with a view to proactively improving our service offering